Cigar Case
Looking for a cigar case ? Adopt the "Gentleman's Lounge" style
Cigar cases are accessories designed to protect and transport cigars. They are available in a variety of materials, sizes and styles, and can be used to store and protect cigars when they are taken on a trip or simply stored at home.
There are several key differences between the different types of cigar cases, including material, capacity, style and design, and price.
Material is one of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a cigar case.
Capacity is another factor to consider when purchasing a cigar case. Cigar cases vary in capacity from one to several dozen cigars. If you intend to carry many cigars with you, you may need to invest in a larger capacity cigar case.
Style and design are also important factors to consider when buying a cigar case. There are a wide variety of cigar case styles and designs, ranging from elegant and classic to more modern and casual. It is important to choose a case that suits your personal style and taste.
Price is also a factor to consider when buying a cigar case. Cigar cases can vary considerably in price depending on the material, design and quality of manufacture. It is important to determine your budget and find a case that fits your needs and budget.
There are many advantages to using a cigar case. First of all, a cigar case protects cigars from damage caused by humidity and heat, which is especially important if you travel with cigars often. A cigar case can also protect cigars from damage caused by bumps and scratches. In addition, a cigar case can be a stylish and fashionable accessory, especially if it is chosen carefully and matches your personal style.
Another advantage of using a cigar case is that it allows you to store and transport your cigars in an organised and practical way. Cigar cases often have separate compartments for each cigar, allowing them to be stored in a way that protects them from damage caused by contact with other objects.
Finally, a cigar case can be a useful and appreciated gift for cigar lovers. Whether you are looking to give a gift to a friend or to yourself, a cigar case can be an excellent choice.
In short, cigar cases are useful and practical accessories for protecting and transporting cigars. They are available in a variety of materials, sizes and styles, and can be used to protect cigars from moisture and heat, as well as to store and transport cigars in an organized and convenient manner.
What are the different case sizes available ?
Cigar cases are available in a variety of materials, such as leather, wood, aluminium and plastic. Leather is a popular choice for cigar cases due to its durability and stylish appearance, while wood is also a popular option due to its durability and natural beauty. Aluminium and plastic are also popular options, although they are generally less expensive and less durable than leather or wood.
There are several cigar case formats available on the market, each with its own characteristics and advantages. Here are some examples of cigar case formats :
- Two-cigar case : these cases are designed to store and protect two cigars. Generally smaller and lighter than multi-cigar cases.
- Three-cigar case : these cases are designed to store and protect three cigars. Generally smaller and lighter than multi-cigar cases.
- Multi-cigar cases : these cases are designed to store and protect several cigars, usually 4 to 10 or more. They are often made of leather or wood and are generally larger and heavier than single or double cases.
- Travelling cigar case : these cases are designed to store and protect cigars when they are taken on a journey. They are often made of leather or aluminium and usually have a humidor compartment to keep the cigars moist during travel.
- Box-shaped cigar case : these cases are designed to look like a box and are often made of wood. They are usually designed to store and protect several cigars and are often used as storage accessories at home.
Leather Cigar Cases
Leather cigar cases are a popular option for those looking to protect and transport their cigars in a stylish and durable way. Leather is a quality material that offers excellent durability and a stylish appearance, making it a popular choice for cigar cases.
There are several advantages to using a leather cigar case. First of all, leather is known for its durability and longevity. A quality leather cigar case can last for years and maintain its elegant and attractive appearance, even after many uses.
In addition, leather is a natural material that breathes and adapts to the ambient temperature and humidity. This can be advantageous for cigars, which need a constant relative humidity to stay fresh and tasty. By using a leather cigar case, you can be sure that your cigars will remain well protected against temperature and humidity variations.
Leather is also an easy-to-care-for material. If you take care of your leather cigar case by cleaning it regularly with a nourishing cream and protecting it from water and scratches, it should remain in good condition for many years.
In addition to its durability and quality, leather is also an elegant and sophisticated material that can add a touch of style to your cigar case. Leather cigar cases are available in a variety of colours and finishes, ranging from smooth and shiny to weathered and vintage. You can choose a leather cigar case that suits your personal style and taste.
There are several types of leather used for cigar cases, each with its own characteristics and advantages. Here are some examples of the types of leather commonly used for cigar cases :
- Cowhide leather : is a quality leather that is made from the skin of cows. It is known for its durability and wear resistance, making it a popular choice for cigar cases. Cowhide is also easy to maintain and can be cleaned and nourished with special leather products.
- Calfskin : is a quality leather that is made from calf skin. It is known for its softness and suppleness, making it a popular choice for cigar cases. Calf leather is also easy to maintain and can be cleaned and nourished with special leather products.
- Buffalo leather : is a quality leather that is made from the hide of the buffalo. It is known for its durability and wear resistance, making it a popular choice for cigar cases. Buffalo leather is also easy to maintain and can be cleaned and nourished with special leather products.
There are several factors to consider when purchasing a leather cigar case. Firstly, it is important to choose a quality leather cigar case made from quality cowhide, calf skin or buffalo hide. A quality leather cigar case should be sturdy and durable, while still being pleasant to use and look at.
It is also important to choose a leather cigar case that suits your needs in terms of capacity. If you intend to carry many cigars with you, you may need to invest in a larger capacity leather cigar case.
Finally, it is important to consider your budget when purchasing a leather cigar case. Leather cigar cases can vary considerably in price depending on the quality and brand. It is important to determine your budget and find a leather cigar case that fits your needs and budget.
In summary, leather cigar cases are a popular option for those looking to protect and transport their cigars in a stylish and durable way. Leather is a quality material that offers excellent durability and a stylish appearance, and it is easy to maintain. There are several types of leather used for cigar cases, each with its own characteristics and advantages. When buying a leather cigar case, it is important to choose a quality leather cigar case made from quality cow, calf or buffalo hides, choose a leather cigar case that suits your capacity needs and consider your budget.
Steel cigar case
Steel cigar cases are a quality option for those looking to protect and transport their cigars in a durable and resistant manner. Steel is a strong and durable material that resists corrosion and wear well, making it a popular choice for cigar cases.
There are several advantages to using a steel cigar case. First of all, steel is known for its durability and resistance to wear and tear. A quality steel cigar case can last for years and remain in good condition even after many uses.
Moreover, steel is an easy material to maintain. If you take care of your steel cigar case by cleaning it regularly and protecting it from corrosion, it should remain in good condition for many years.
In addition to its durability and quality, steel is also an elegant and sophisticated material that can add a touch of style to your cigar case. Steel cigar cases are available in a variety of colours and finishes, ranging from bright steel to weathered and vintage steel. You can choose a steel cigar case that matches your personal style and taste.
There are several types of steel used for cigar cases, each with its own characteristics and advantages. Here are some examples of the types of steel commonly used for cigar cases :
- Stainless steel : Stainless steel is a quality steel that is resistant to corrosion and wear. It is often used for cigar cases because of its durability and resistance to corrosion.
- Carbon steel : Carbon steel is a quality steel that is resistant to wear and corrosion. It is often used for cigar cases because of its durability and resistance to corrosion.
- Hardened steel : Hardened steel is a quality steel that is highly resistant to wear and corrosion. It is often used for cigar cases because of its durability and resistance to corrosion.
There are several factors to consider when purchasing a steel cigar case. Firstly, it is important to choose a quality steel cigar case made from quality stainless steel, carbon steel or hardened steel. A quality steel cigar case should be strong and durable, while being pleasant to use and look at.
Carbon cigar cases
Carbon cigar cases are a quality option for those looking to protect and transport their cigars in a durable and lightweight way. Carbon is a strong, lightweight material that is known for its durability and resistance to wear, making it a popular choice for cigar cases.
There are several advantages to using a carbon cigar case. First of all, carbon is known for its durability and resistance to wear and tear. A quality carbon cigar case can last for years and remain in good condition even after many uses.
In addition, carbon is a lightweight material that is easy to transport. If you intend to carry many cigars with you, a carbon cigar case can be a convenient and easy-to-carry option.
In addition to its durability and lightness, carbon is also a stylish and sophisticated material that can add a touch of style to your cigar case. Carbon cigar cases are available in a variety of colours and finishes, ranging from glossy carbon to weathered and vintage carbon. You can choose a carbon cigar case that suits your personal style and taste.
There are several factors to consider when buying a carbon cigar case. Firstly, it is important to choose a quality carbon cigar case made from quality carbon. A quality carbon cigar case should be sturdy and durable, while still being pleasant to use and look at.
Plastic cigar cases
Plastic cigar cases are a practical and economical option for those looking to protect and transport their cigars in a simple and inexpensive way. Plastic is a lightweight, inexpensive material that is easy to find and use, making it a popular choice for cigar cases.
There are several advantages to using a plastic cigar case. First of all, plastic is a lightweight material that is easy to transport. If you intend to carry many cigars with you, a plastic cigar case can be a convenient and easy to carry option.
In addition, plastic is an inexpensive material that is easy to find and use. If you are looking for an affordable option to protect and carry your cigars, a plastic cigar case can be a great option.
Humidifiers built into cigar cases
In this day and age, cigar cases are no longer "just" cases. Thanks to technological developments, it has become possible to achieve very interesting improvements in this area. Humidifiers integrated into cigar cases are a practical option for those seeking to protect and maintain the humidity of their cigars in an optimal way. Humidifying cigars is important to maintain their freshness and flavor, and a humidifier built into the cigar case is the best way to do this.
There are several advantages to using a cigar case with a built-in humidifier. Firstly, it allows you to protect and maintain the humidity of your cigars in a simple and effective way. You don't have to worry about filling and replacing the humidifier separately, as it is already integrated into the cigar case.
You can simply add water or humidifier to the cigar case when needed, without having to handle separate humidifiers.
There are several types of humidors built into cigar cases, each with its own features and benefits. Here are some examples of the types of humidors commonly used in cigar cases :
- Cork humidifiers
- Sponge humidifiers
Such measures are particularly advisable for leather cases, since the latter may suck out a large part of the humidity naturally present in the cigars and thus dehydrate them. However, this kind of investment is relatively superfluous when the cigars are kept in the case for a maximum of 72 hours. Most of our handmade cigar tubes fully meet this criterion of an integrated humidifier.
A cigar case reveals your character
The cigar case is an eye-catching accessory that can speak volumes about your personality and style. Whether you prefer classic and elegant materials such as leather or steel, or modern and sophisticated materials such as carbon, your cigar case can reflect your character and taste.
If you are a traditional and sophisticated person, a leather cigar case could be the perfect choice for you. Leather is a classic and timeless material that will add a touch of sophistication and elegance to your style.
If you are a modern and refined person, a steel cigar case could be the perfect choice for you. Steel is a durable and elegant material that will add a modern touch to your style.
If you are a sporty and sophisticated person, a carbon cigar case could be the perfect choice for you. Carbon is a lightweight and durable material that is often used in high-level sports and will add a touch of sophistication to your cigar case.
And if you are a practical and inexpensive person, a plastic cigar case could be the perfect choice for you. Plastic is a lightweight, inexpensive material that is easy to use and will add a touch of practicality.
Whatever your style and personality, there is a cigar case to suit your taste and lifestyle. Choose from our wide selection of quality cigar cases and find the one that reveals your character and personal style.