Cigar Mouthpiece
What is the purpose of a cigar mouthpiece ?
A cigar mouthpiece is an accessory used to smoke a cigar. It takes the form of a small metal, wooden or plastic tube that is inserted at one end of the cigar. The other end of the mouthpiece is placed in the mouth to smoke the cigar.
The cigar mouthpiece is designed to protect the lips and mouth from the heat and smoke of the cigar, as well as to prevent saliva from wetting the end of the cigar and making it sticky or damp. It can also be used to filter the cigar's smoke and attenuate some of its aromas and flavours.
Why buy a cigar mouthpiece ?
There are several reasons why a cigar smoker might be interested in purchasing a cigar mouthpiece :
- Lip and mouth protection : the cigar mouthpiece can protect the lips and mouth from the heat and smoke of the cigar, which can be particularly useful for strong cigar smokers or those who smoke regularly.
- Preventing cigar tip wetness: the cigar tip prevents saliva from wetting the cigar tip and making it sticky or damp, which can affect the cigar's taste and draw.
- Smoke filtering : some cigar tips are designed to filter the cigar's smoke and attenuate some of its aromas and flavours. This may be particularly appreciated by smokers who find certain cigars too strong or aromatic.
- Comfort and convenience : the cigar mouthpiece can provide additional comfort when enjoying a cigar and make it easier to use.
The cigar mouthpiece, the classy accessory
Cigar mouthpieces are considered by some cigar smokers to be a luxury or classy accessory, as they are often associated with the art of smoking a cigar in an elegant and sophisticated manner. However, it is important to note that cigar smoking can be harmful to your health, and it is recommended that you do not smoke or limit your consumption of tobacco products.
There are many different types of cigar mouthpieces on the market, made of different materials and offering different levels of filtering and comfort. Metal and wooden mouthpieces are often considered more premium than plastic ones, but they can be more expensive and require extra maintenance. Plastic mouthpieces are generally cheaper and easier to maintain, but can be less durable and less aesthetically pleasing than metal or wood mouthpieces.
It is recommended that you choose a cigar mouthpiece that suits your personal preferences and budget. It is also important to remember that cigar smoking can be harmful to your health, and it is recommended that you do not smoke or limit your consumption of tobacco products.