Cigar Scissors
What are cigar scissors ?
Cigar scissors are a type of scissors specifically designed for cutting cigars. They typically have long, sharp blades and a sturdy handle, and are designed to make precise cuts through the cigar's wrapper and filler leaves without crushing or damaging the cigar. Some cigar scissors also have a guillotine-style cutting mechanism, which allows for a straight, clean cut through the cigar. Cigar scissors are a popular choice for cigar enthusiasts because they provide a more precise and controlled cut than a standard cigar cutter, and can help to preserve the flavor and structure of the cigar.
Why use a cigar scissors ?
There are a few reasons why someone might choose to use a cigar scissors instead of a standard cigar cutter :
Precision : Cigar scissors allow for a more precise cut than a standard cigar cutter, which can be especially useful when cutting cigars with a complex shape or delicate wrapper.
Control : Using a cigar scissors allows the user to have more control over the cut, as they can feel the resistance of the wrapper and filler leaves as they cut, and adjust the pressure and angle of the blades accordingly.
Flavor preservation : A clean, precise cut with cigar scissors can help to preserve the flavor and structure of the cigar, as it minimizes the amount of wrapper and filler that is crushed or damaged during the cutting process.
Aesthetics : Some people simply prefer the look of a cut made with cigar scissors to that of a standard cigar cutter.
Less damage to the cigar : by cutting the cigar with a cigar shears, you can avoid crushing or crumbling the cigar, which can alter its texture and taste.
Ease of use : cigar shears are generally easier to use and handle than other types of cigar cutters.
Overall, cigar scissors are a good choice for those who want a precise, controlled cut and want to preserve the flavor and structure of their cigars.
What impact on the taste of cigars ?
The cut of a cigar can have an impact on its taste, as it determines how much air is able to flow through the cigar as it is smoked. A clean, precise cut that removes just the cap of the cigar can allow for a smooth, even draw, while a rough or uneven cut can disrupt the airflow and affect the flavor of the cigar.
In addition to the cut, there are several other factors that can affect the taste of a cigar, including the type of tobacco used, the curing and aging process, and the cigar's size and shape. The wrapper leaf, which is the outermost layer of the cigar, can also contribute to the cigar's flavor, as different types of wrapper leaves have distinct flavors and aromas.
Overall, the taste of a cigar is a complex and multifaceted thing, and is influenced by a wide range of factors that can affect its flavor, aroma, and overall smoking experience.
Cigar cutters vs cigar scissors
A cigar cutter and cigar scissors are two different types of tools used to cut cigars. Here are some key differences between the two :
- Cigar cutter : a cigar cutter is a tool with one or more fixed blades that cuts the end of a cigar. There are different types of cigar cutters, such as fixed-blade cutters, roller cutters and guillotine cutters.
- Cigar scissors : A cigar scissor is a tool with two curved blades that cross each other when you close them. It allows you to cut the end of a cigar precisely and without crushing or crumbling the cigar.
There is no one "best" cutting method per se, and the decision to choose one or the other depends on your personal preferences and needs. Some cigar enthusiasts prefer to use a cigar cutter as they are generally easier to use and quicker to cut a cigar. Others prefer to use a cigar scissors as they allow for a more precise cut and less damage to the cigar. Ultimately, it depends on your preferences and needs when it comes to cutting cigars.